
When parents volunteer at school, everyone benefits!

Service reduces the cost of education at ICRS.

Through the annual 40-hour service commitment (20 for single parent households), families provide services for which the school would otherwise have to pay.  Among such services are painting classrooms, moving classrooms, unpacking textbooks and supplies, gardening, chaperoning field trips, selling used uniforms, serving on boards and school commission, and MUCH MORE!

It has been estimated that in the past few years, family-provided volunteer services represent over $60,000 in annual savings. Without these volunteer services, tuition would have been at least 10% more per family with far less having been accomplished.

Parental help during the school day enriches the ICRS learning environment.

Because parents possess varied skills, talents and interests, their time spent in the classroom can enrich the curriculum in ways beyond the capabilities and time constraints of any single teacher.  At all grade levels, parents can and do assist the teachers.

Working with students also helps parents to understand more fully the complexities of the learning process.

Better understanding of the hard work, joys, and even frustrations faced by classroom teachers often causes parents to give more support to their children’s teacher and, thus, to ICRS as a whole.  This, in turn, helps to build trust and agreement among all members of our school community.

A wide variety of volunteer opportunities are available.

Some parents volunteer on a regular basis, while others assist when their schedule permits.  In addition to regular volunteer opportunities, additional needs arise and are published in the principal’s newsletter. While some volunteer tasks must be done at a specific time and in a specific place, others are much more flexible.

For more information, please contact the ICRS volunteer coordinator, Cameron Eskeberg, at volunteer@icrsweb.org. If you’d like more information about our Boosters Group events, please contact Tricia Mendenhall at mariamendenhall1@gmail.com

Recording your volunteer hours is easy.

We ask that all families (K-8th grade) keep track of their own volunteer hours as they are accrued and record them each trimester by submitting the ICRS Volunteer Record form to the school office.

Preview a list of current VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES