Welcome to 1st Grade!


Mrs. Stephanie Twedt – 1st grade teacher

Mrs. Kristen Whitaker – classroom aide

Teacher Wish List

2023-2024 Room Parent


First-grade newsletter for June 10th:

It is hard to believe that the last week of school is here!  We have a fun and busy week celebrating together.  Students will be bringing home books and supplies as we finish using them. They will also be bringing home Father’s Day Gifts today!  Happy Father’s Day to all of our first-grade dads and hope you enjoy your weekend! On the last day, they will bring home their purple homework folder with a summer packet to complete with monthly read aloud charts.  Students may bring completed packets to me on the first day of school next year and receive a treat! Here are some special quotes from the kids of their favorite memories of first grade:  playing with new friends, counting numbers in math, learning how to read, making friends, doing number bonds in math, adding and subtracting in math, journal writing, going to the Museum of Flight, reading at carpet time, going to the library, playing with friends, learning about religion, playing Gaga ball in P.E., and playing on the monkey bars at recess.

Here are some important dates:

June 11th:  Passing of the Light Assembly @ 9:30 @ St. Joe’s

June 11th:  8th Grade Graduation @ ICC @ 6PM

June 13th:  End of the Year first grade party @ 1:30-2:45

Outside stations – First graders will go to their regular recess until 1:45

and will walk directly to the field after for the party.

June 14th:  Last day of School!

PBIS and End of the Year Moving Up Assembly @ 11:00 AM @ St. Joe’s

Noon Dismissal!

There will be no PM extended care today!

God Bless and thank you for a wonderful year in first grade,

Mrs. Twedt